Liliana of the Dark Realms SDCC 2013 Promo NM MTG Promo Magic

Liliana of the Dark Realms – SDCC 2013 Foil Promo. English Near Mint. General: A Near Mint card is allowed to have a few small dings or a small chip, or minor a minor flaw on an edge or on the surface. Corners: The corners on a Near Mint card should be crisp but one or two may have a small flaw such as a small ding. Edges: The edges on a Near Mint card should be crisp, however they typically may have a small ding or two. Surface: The surface of a Near Mint card should be very fresh looking but may have a tiny scratch. San Diego Comic Con 2013 Black on Black Art Planeswalker Promo. Near mint or better. Payments must be received within 3 days of purchasing this item. We are open from Monday to Friday 9 a. Our customer service representatives make every effort to answer your emails within 24 hours of being received. Our offices are closed on public holidays. International Buyers – Please Note.

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